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AREA Ratings for 2nd Megiddo: King Josiah vs. Pharaoh Necho II (2018)

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This game is rated as a two player game.

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Last updated 2022-04-05.

Game skill information

Skill MetricValuePopulation count
Standard Deviation for 10+ rated games222
Standard Deviation for any rated games19215
Mean for any rated games500015

Player List

AREA IDNameRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive date
AA020Abruzzese, Angelo5195120002017-12-23
LionsBrazzel, Loyd5005220002022-03-12
AFCDUCouncilman, Allen4651430002018-02-04
DcManCouncilman, Duncan4815220002017-12-31
HonorDay, Michael E.51041030002022-03-12
TwineDay, Warren T.5228530002018-02-10
TF012Formica, Triston5095110002022-03-12
RangrLee, Christopher5190220002022-03-12
CL013Ligon, Conner4800220002022-03-12
NedzaNedza, Scott5195220002022-03-12
NewksNewkirk, Steve5120330002022-03-12
BrentRobison, Brent5000220002022-03-12
Joel1Robison, Joel4819330002022-03-12
CoralSherwood, David50731150002019-10-18
PatonTreadwell, Chris4710230002022-03-12

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