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AREA Ratings for Med Sirocco (2017)

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This game is rated as a winner take all multiplayer game.

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Last updated 2018-12-19.

Game skill information

Skill MetricValuePopulation count
Standard Deviation for 10+ rated gamesUndefined0
Standard Deviation for any rated games8516
Mean for any rated games500016

Player List

AREA IDNameRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive date
ENC01Canfield, Emily N.5064380002018-11-04
RJC01Cardife, Robert J.49214140002018-11-16
SEC01Chapman, Seth E.4960250002018-11-04
JID01Daniels, Jayson I.50215140002018-11-16
CSD01Douma, Catherine S.51554130002018-11-16
JHD01Douma, Joshua H.50175150002018-11-16
JNH01Howland, Joy N.50424120002018-11-16
DJH02Huntington, David J.49015150002018-11-16
SBM01McFarlane, Samantha B.49214100002018-11-04
MDM01Minto, Mary D.50175160002018-11-16
SZR01Read, Samuel Z.5062360002018-11-04
SYR01Riley, Shane Y.4940390002018-11-04
JKT01Thompson, Joseph K.5177390002018-11-04
JCW01Wear, John C.49214120002018-11-16
RTW01Wheeler, Rachel T.49214120002018-11-16
VQW01Wright, Valerie Q.4960260002018-11-04

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