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AREA Ratings for Rummikub (1977)

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This game is rated as a winner take all multiplayer game.

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Last updated 2024-11-30.

Game skill information

Skill MetricValuePopulation count
Standard Deviation for 10+ rated gamesUndefined1
Standard Deviation for any rated games1599
Mean for any rated games50009

Player List

AREA IDNameRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive date
MSLPFFreeberg, Myra S. L. P.5063670002024-11-26
JEK02Kangas, Joseph E.4922460002024-11-26
JM026Mueller, Janice5058670002024-11-26
CindPPetroski, Cindy5110670002024-11-26
A1485Petroski, Glenn E. L.46721280002024-11-26
JLJP5Petroski, Jay L. J.4880670002024-11-26
JLP01Petroski, Jayson L.5049360002024-11-21
NBJP7Petroski, Norman B. J.5225510002024-07-03
GJCPWWade, Gayle J. C. P.5022770002024-11-26

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