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AREA Ratings for Successors (1997)

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This game is rated as a winner take all multiplayer game.

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Last updated 2020-10-24.

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Game skill information

Skill MetricValuePopulation count
Standard Deviation for 10+ rated games2256
Standard Deviation for any rated games119618
Mean for any rated games475518

Player List

AREA IDNameRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive date
W4880Blumentritt, Bruce G.48521090002019-04-08
DBT01Blumentritt, Daniel P. E.527018130002019-07-19
W5123Campagna, Ben4915360002019-07-19
SELC1Campagna, Sarah5101140002019-07-19
W0281Card, Peter4971130002016-07-31
LMK01Kam, Dell5068230002017-02-13
EK003Kam, Eric4997840002019-04-08
DK010Kraus, Daniel4882960002019-07-19
W1361Melton, Craig T.4969130002016-07-31
WM006Milam, Whitney48631480002019-07-19
WM007Mucklow, Wayne4971130002016-07-31
W1687Rice III, Henry533410253212017-07-30
W4111Runco, Kurt4969130002016-07-31
W1840Seulowitz, Robert514611250502016-07-31
DS221Sirbu, Dan0100002020-10-24
CT006Thomas, Cameron4967130002017-02-13
WBT01Thomson, Bill4971130002019-04-08
W2204Wixson, Keith M.533910222412017-07-30

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