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AREA Ratings for Main Battle Tank (1989-2019)

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This game is rated as a two player game.

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Last updated 2024-09-05.

Game skill information

Skill MetricValuePopulation count
Standard Deviation for 10+ rated gamesUndefined1
Standard Deviation for any rated games20924
Mean for any rated games500024

Active Player List

AREA IDNameRankRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive date
W1937Squibb, Jonathan15572960202023-07-31
W1905Smith, Doug E.254501070302024-07-31
RJ011Jongeling, Ronald35395770202024-07-31
W1807Schoenen, Robert D.45034440202024-07-31
A1650Wilson, Johnny L.54921110102024-07-31
20W10Eastman, Charles64898100002023-07-31
JP034Proksch, Jack74894100002022-07-31
W0499Drozd, Ted84858330102024-07-31
NT001Trent, Nathan94833660202022-07-31
PM028Massar, Pierre104801130102022-07-31
SP018Proksch, Steven114786440202024-07-31

Inactive Player List

AREA IDNameRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive date
JC022Chacon, Joe5100330102018-07-31
W5122Myszak, Stan5100110102019-07-31
W2072Treadway, Todd L.5090110102018-07-31
1119SDoane, Robert F.5013220102019-07-31
W7837Tracy, Michael5009410102018-07-31
KT013Tracton, Keith5005670202019-07-31
2W937Biggs, Alex5000220102018-07-31
W1869Sidelinger, David4917330102019-07-31
W2241Young, Bruce R.4910110102018-07-31
W7513Detwiler, Brady4900110102018-07-31
MK001Kiefte, Michael4900110102019-07-31
W3785Masella, Michael4900110102018-07-31
W5819Murray, Bob D.4714320202019-07-31

Other Interested Player List

There are no other interested players for this game.

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