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AREA Ratings for AJN01: Anthony J. Newton

Switch to most recently modified ordering.

TitleRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive dateLast updated
Brass (2007-2018)475813280502019-07-312024-11-30
Empire Builder (1982) & EuroRails (1990)5095324501002019-07-312025-03-14
Lords of Waterdeep (2012)4966130102018-07-312025-01-22
Naval War (1979)50683160102019-07-272024-09-04
Rail Baron (1977)543334570902016-07-312024-05-11
Railways of the World (2009) & Railroad Tycoon (2005)4973140102019-07-312025-03-20
Scythe (2016)4975140102018-07-312024-06-20

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