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AREA Ratings for BC032: Bruce Cota

Switch to most recently modified ordering.

TitleRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive dateLast updated
Battles of the American Revolution (1998-2013)5054550202024-02-222024-02-29
Circus Maximus (1979)4991180102024-02-222024-04-15
PanzerBlitz & Panzer Leader (1970-2015)5312650102023-07-312023-09-30
The Arab-Israeli Wars (1977)5100110102023-07-312023-09-30
The Russian Campaign (1974)4978210102023-07-312024-01-06
Victory in the Pacific (1977)4922110102023-07-312024-04-13

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