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AREA Ratings for GT002: Graeme Tate

Switch to most recently modified ordering.

TitleRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive dateLast updated
Attack Sub (1991)5114330102013-08-042024-06-15
Hammer of the Scots (2002)4889330102013-08-042017-12-08
Hannibal Rome vs. Carthage (1996)4905110102013-08-042024-09-04
Maria (2009)5287360102013-08-042017-12-13
Napoleon: The Waterloo Campaign, 1815 (1974)4900110102013-08-042020-10-24
Twilight Struggle (2005)4884110102013-08-022025-02-25
War of the Ring (2004)5114330102013-08-042024-08-09

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