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AREA Ratings for W0254: Lawrence Burman

Switch to most recently modified ordering.

TitleRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive dateLast updated
1775: Rebellion (2013)4907330202017-02-282023-07-08
Battles of the American Revolution (1998-2013)4406271101202023-08-272024-02-29
Here I Stand (2006)49444110302012-08-052023-05-26
Paths of Glory (1999)4885110102018-02-222023-05-30
The Napoleonic Wars (2002)49143110312015-08-092023-08-05
Thurn & Taxis (2006)4913390202013-08-042024-04-19
Wilderness War (2001)45651450902015-08-092023-05-31

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