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AREA Ratings for W0407: Dennis Culhane

Switch to most recently modified ordering.

TitleRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive dateLast updated
1775: Rebellion (2013)5077220102022-07-312023-07-08
Conflict Of Heroes (2008-2107)5100120002018-07-312018-08-03
Dunkirk France 1940 (2018)5300330102019-07-312019-08-13
Empire of the Sun (2005)5180442112018-07-312023-07-18
For the People (1998)5027220102015-08-092023-09-06
The Kaisers Pirates (2007)5064240002012-08-052018-04-15
Tigers in the Mist (1999)4781220202012-08-052021-07-26

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