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AREA Ratings for W1689: Patrick S. Richardson

Switch to most recently modified ordering.

TitleRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive dateLast updated
1989: Dawn of Freedom (2012)5175870202015-08-092024-09-03
Air Baron (1996)543431590602016-05-082024-08-13
For the People (1998)5017221102013-10-262024-09-05
Gettysburg (125th Anniversary Edition) (1988)5140620502013-08-042024-07-08
Paths of Glory (1999)5022330202014-08-102024-06-19
Twilight Struggle (2005)5055770302015-08-092024-09-30
Victory in the Pacific (1977)641116741172012024-03-012024-10-12
War at Sea (1976)5649995071532015-08-092024-10-07

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