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AREA Ratings for W2026: Roger E. Taylor

Switch to most recently modified ordering.

TitleRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive dateLast updated
Churchill (2015)5007360102016-07-312019-09-25
Conquest of Paradise (2007)51344110202024-07-312024-09-16
Fire in the Lake (2014)4967130102015-08-092024-08-15
Formula Motor Racing (1995)50188200302017-07-302024-06-24
Great Campaigns of the American Civil War (1992-2013)5163110102023-07-312024-08-08
March Madness (1991)5543963001502019-07-312024-07-13
Pro Golf (1981)49372680202016-07-312024-08-05

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