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AREA Ratings for W5298: Paul Bernhardt

Switch to most recently modified ordering.

TitleRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive dateLast updated
Can't Stop (1980)4966130102018-07-312025-03-10
Carcassonne (2000-2016)4974130102018-07-312025-02-20
Championship Formula Racing (2017) & Speed Circuit (1971)48734210302023-07-312024-08-14
Lords of Waterdeep (2012)5098130102018-07-312025-01-22
Ra! (board game) (1999)5052340202018-07-312024-10-07
Ticket to Ride (2004)5063260102018-07-312025-03-10
Titan:The Arena / Colossal Arena (1997)50374160102018-07-312024-12-10

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