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AREA Ratings for W5588: David Kiefte

Switch to most recently modified ordering.

TitleRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive dateLast updated
Here I Stand (2006)51724204012017-07-252023-05-26
Labyrinth The War on Terror (2010)5497550102015-08-092018-11-15
Maria (2009)4950120102013-08-042017-12-13
Santa Fe Rails (2001)4963100102012-08-052023-11-27
Virgin Queen (2012)514011260402015-08-092023-05-31
War of the Ring (2004)5100110102015-08-092023-07-15
Wilderness War (2001)4885110102013-08-042023-05-31

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