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AREA Ratings for A1554: John A. Trosky

Switch to alphabetical ordering.

TitleRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive dateLast updated
War and Peace (2012)4639424002018-03-222025-01-25
Squad Leader (1977-1984)5141616002018-07-272024-06-20
Air Assault on Crete / Invasion of Malta: 1942 (1977)4531616002017-11-232024-04-15
The Arab-Israeli Wars (1977)4656144002018-06-052023-09-30
Fortress Europa (1978)4998414002014-11-022023-08-01
Caesar: Epic Battle of Alesia (1976)4990212002021-07-222022-04-05
Little Round Top (1979)5090212002016-04-122021-06-05
The Guns of August (1981)5100111002013-09-272021-06-05
Panzergruppe Guderian (1976)4805212002015-04-052018-01-06

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