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AREA Ratings for Risk (1959)

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This game is rated as a multiplayer team game.

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Last updated 2020-10-15.

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Game skill information

Skill MetricValuePopulation count
Standard Deviation for 10+ rated gamesUndefined0
Standard Deviation for any rated games134314
Mean for any rated games465014

Player List

AREA IDNameRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive date
DIA01Armstrong, Deborah I.49625140002020-10-03
EQB01Burch, Eric Q.49395140002020-10-03
AFG01Golden, AAron F.49625140002020-10-03
CYH02Harrison, Clarence Y.49385140002020-10-03
HTH01Hartigan, Hope T.49635140002020-10-03
DLL02Lobdell, Douglas L.50406140002020-10-03
A1485Petroski, Glenn E. L.53517140002020-10-03
AHP01Phillips, Alanzo H.50569140002020-10-03
CHP01PĆ¼njer, Tino0100002020-10-14
KOS02Serviss, Kyle O.49635140002020-10-03
GST01Thomas, Glenn S.49636140002020-10-03
HSW01Whittaker, Heidi S.49635140002020-10-03

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