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AREA Ratings for Twilight Imperium (1997)

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This game is rated as a winner take all multiplayer game.

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Last updated 2018-02-20.

Game skill information

Skill MetricValuePopulation count
Standard Deviation for 10+ rated gamesUndefined0
Standard Deviation for any rated games4618
Mean for any rated games500018

Player List

AREA IDNameRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive date
W4483Armstrong, Carl4967130102013-08-04
W5800Bennett, Chris4967130102013-08-04
MB025Buccheri, Michael50493100102013-08-04
RB011Buccheri, Robert4967130102013-08-04
W0416Czawlytko, Francis4967130102013-08-04
W5326Frick, Bernard5055380102013-08-04
W5591Griffith, James4967130102013-08-04
W5192Guthrie, John4967130102013-08-04
W4541Kenyon, Will5086290102013-08-04
W1156Lawall, Daniel J.4967130102013-08-04
FM007Morehouse, Frank4951270102013-08-04
MOC01O'Connor, Matthew50563110102013-08-04
RO003Olsson II, Robert5039380102013-08-04
PP004Putnam, Peter50483120102013-08-04
ER007Rader, Edward4966130102013-08-04
VS001Sinigaglio, Vincent E.4966130102013-08-04
W2130Wagner, Jason4967130102013-08-04
W5216Walsh, Peter5048390102013-08-04

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