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AREA Ratings for W1228: David Long

Switch to most recently modified ordering.

TitleRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive dateLast updated
1830: Railways & Robber Barons (1986)521812320502024-07-312024-11-30
Age of Renaissance (1996)49314140402014-08-102024-08-07
Attack Sub (1991)4568550202013-08-042024-06-15
Battles of the American Revolution (1998-2013)4789330202016-07-312025-03-06
Empire Builder (1982) & EuroRails (1990)4972120102019-07-312025-03-14
Empire of the Sun (2005)5181440202019-07-312024-06-02
Football Strategy (1959)5168110102019-07-312024-10-14
For the People (1998)4672746112014-08-102024-12-31
Great Campaigns of the American Civil War (1992-2013)4936220102023-07-312024-08-08
Mr. Madison's War: The Incredible War of 1812 (2012)4813220202017-07-302023-08-06
Star Wars: Outer Rim (2019)51324120202024-07-312024-08-06
Terraforming Mars (2016)5099130102023-07-312024-12-30
Warriors of God (2008)53601260402015-08-092018-02-15

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