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AREA Ratings for W3769: Jeff A. Burdett

Switch to most recently modified ordering.

TitleRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive dateLast updated
Churchill (2015)48526110202019-07-312019-09-25
Conquest of Paradise (2007)4962130102020-02-222024-09-16
Dune (1979)4980150102023-07-312024-08-09
Dune: A Game of Conquest and Diplomacy (2021)5099130102022-07-312023-06-11
John Company (2017)0100002024-06-192024-06-19
Labyrinth The War on Terror (2010)5000220102015-08-092018-11-15
Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan (2011)4901550202018-07-312024-06-20
Star Wars Rebellion (2016)4900110102017-07-312024-08-07
The Republic of Rome (1990)5095150102015-07-312024-06-19
Time of Crisis (2017)5037390102018-07-312023-05-31
Virgin Queen (2012)4980150102013-08-042025-01-05
War of the Ring (2004)5073440402018-07-312024-08-09

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