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AREA Ratings for JC058: Jesus Corona

Switch to alphabetical ordering.

TitleRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive dateLast updated
For the People (1998)5065222002018-06-022024-12-31
Diplomacy (1959)49076154122019-04-132024-06-17
Here I Stand (2006)4925560002021-09-122024-06-17
Tacticus (2020)4900110102022-04-092022-04-15
Joshua Hebrews vs. Pagans (2015)4901110002022-03-262022-04-05
Refidim - Hebrews vs Amalek (2021)4900110002022-04-022022-04-05
The III Caesars Roman Civil War (2016)4949120002022-03-192022-04-05

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