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AREA Ratings for Annapurna (2021)

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Last updated 2023-09-05.

Game skill information

Skill MetricValuePopulation count
Standard Deviation for 10+ rated gamesUndefined0
Standard Deviation for any rated games11412
Mean for any rated games500012

Player List

AREA IDNameRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive date
W5041Boone, Keith4950120102023-07-31
W8776Boyd, Craig4968130102023-07-31
W0272Cameron, Stephen4917250102023-07-31
W8775Horovitz, Jed5101130102023-07-31
W8468Horovitz, Rebecca5065250102023-07-31
W7419Jiang, Allan J.4968130102023-07-31
W1199Levy, Keith4950120102023-07-31
MMQG1McQuoid-Greason, Meredith4937260102023-07-31
W1493Norton, Anne5283360102023-07-31
DP005Pack, David-John5068250102023-07-31
W8589Robinson, Ron4843480102023-07-31
CR022Russell, Chris4950120102023-07-31

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