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AREA Ratings for Hammer of the Scots (2002)

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This game is rated as a two player game.

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Last updated 2017-12-08.

Game skill information

Skill MetricValuePopulation count
Standard Deviation for 10+ rated games3697
Standard Deviation for any rated games22477
Mean for any rated games499977

Player List

AREA IDNameRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive date
W4140Bauer, Fred51111380302016-07-31
2W893Benedict, Nicholas5096665112015-08-09
DB025Boor, David4933330102015-08-09
2W122Collins, Marshall4901110002016-07-31
MLD92Dauer, Michael L.5120550202016-07-31
W5009Dentel, David4893110102015-08-09
RD010Draker, Ron55241450302016-07-31
W6003Goode, Tom5043850202015-08-09
SH027Hall, Steven4716330102015-08-09
W1099Koleszar, Steven52091350302016-07-31
W5562Kraska, Alex4799220102015-08-09
MK018Kunin, Michael4895110102015-08-09
W1157Lawler, James4961988122015-08-09
2W468Long, Dale4924110102013-08-04
DL014Long, Daniel4900110102013-08-04
A1671MacInnis, Randall W.4910960202016-07-31
LM001Moquin, Lyman53031270302015-08-09
348JOOhlin, John P.4890110002016-07-31
DR004Rennert, David4455650202013-08-04
W1680Rennert, Phillip5030650202013-08-04
MS008Smith, Malcolm58641580302015-08-09
MS026Sosa, Michael5028640202015-08-09
GT002Tate, Graeme4889330102013-08-04
W2047Thompson, Justin K.5004220202013-08-04
A1650Wilson, Johnny L.4797220102013-08-04
REW01Woodham, Robert Evan5042440102015-08-09

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