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AREA Ratings for Ingenious (2004)

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This game is rated as a winner take all multiplayer game.

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Last updated 2024-07-18.

Game skill information

Skill MetricValuePopulation count
Standard Deviation for 10+ rated games1813
Standard Deviation for any rated games182314
Mean for any rated games428614

Player List

AREA IDNameRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive date
LoserApel-Cram, Chris5209990002023-02-21
AKI95Brower, Katie4845450002014-06-18
W4418DuBoff, Max0100002024-06-18
EMILLMiller, Eric J.5220560002017-05-29
A1303Miller, Jeffrey D.46962890002024-07-18
LMIL1Miller, Laura M.50202780002024-07-18
LegalMillinghausen, Sam4965130002017-05-09
DragoMondragon, Carla M.0100002022-03-17
NostiRuss, David L.5244450002014-05-29
bveinSwift IV, George4800650002016-05-10
KingVSwift V, George4864540002024-07-18
PSwizSwift, Patti S.49971770002021-08-02
APIXIYoder, Angela5174330002017-05-29
RMill* Name Withheld *4965130002017-05-09

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